Tears of joy dimmed his eyes, and without waiting for further information he rushed up the hill for a sight of the vessel that would take him to England.
Tears dimmed Laurana's eyes.
Tears dimmed Grushenka's eyes, and she was all in a flutter.
Tears dimmed his vision, his hands shook.
His mind on the boy and the old lady, he jotted down a verse: "Tears dim the moon, even here above the clouds.
Tears dimmed the old warrior's eyes as they fell again upon the pictured features of his lost daughter.
Tears dimmed Derina's eyes and her head whirled.
Tears dimmed his vision again.
Tears dimmed the physician's eyes as he examined the ring and looked at the green beetle mounted on the gold.
Tears dimmed his eyes as he placed both his hands upon the shoulders of his friend.