Late that afternoon, as the four jets proceeded across Iran to the camp site in Kabulistan, Tom landed at the Teheran airport.
He told Sadat that his officers had cried at Teheran airport and begged him to leave.
At Teheran airport they came down from the plane with Koreans in their hands.
There were emotional scenes and huge demonstrations in Iran today as 50 more coffins of the Iranian dead arrived at the Teheran airport.
Bloggers went a step farther when they organized a reception for Ebadi at the Teheran airport upon her return on October 14, 2003.
At the Teheran airport, pirated copies of Danielle Steele novels are available.
She was interrogated at the Teheran airport and information was copied from her diary.
United Nations personnel have been ordered out of Teheran airport and can no longer monitor the arrival of aid.
Vigilance at the Teheran airport is strong but not prohibitive.
The Teheran airport was thronged with people trying to reach the quake zone to learn the fate of relatives, but only relief flights were going through.