If you don't want to do all this comparison shopping, the Telecommunications Research and Action Center sells a chart that compares most of the calling plans (800 344-8722, $5).
The writ of mandamus filed alleged that the lack of decision by DEA, "presents a paradigmatic example of unreasonable delay under Telecommunications Research & Action Ctr.
He later worked for Plessey before becoming a managing director of British Telecommunications Research and then becoming deputy chairman of the General Post Office.
"The consumers are confused, and they figure the best thing to do is nothing," said David Wagenhouser, the executive director of the Telecommunications Research and Action Center, a public interest organization.
He is a recipient of the 2010 Killam Research Fellowship, and received the 2012 Canadian Award for Telecommunications Research.
AT&T charges $74.68, or maybe $47.90, according to figures compiled by the Telecommunications Research and Action Center in Washington, a nonprofit group that publishes a newsletter comparing plans.
Sam Simon, the founder of the Telecommunications Research and Action Center, notes that "the carriers market the plan they want you to use, not the one that is the cheapest for you."
Telecommunications Research and Action Center, Box 12038, Washington, D.C. 20005.
That is when you have the greatest chance of getting through, John Breyault, a research associate for the Telecommunications Research and Action Center, told Men's Health.
"We don't advise consumers to sign up for programs where there are gimmicks like this involved," said Rebecca Sachs, a spokeswoman for the Telecommunications Research and Action Center, a nonprofit research group.