Her mother is the catering coordinator at Temple Emanuel.
She graduated in 1999 and was ordained at Manhattan's Temple Emanuel.
Over 4,000 people attended her funeral at the Temple Emanuel which was open to people of all faiths, classes, and races.
Due to overcrowding, the school leased space at Temple Emanuel for grades 6-8 during the 2002-2003 school year.
The family asked the guests to go home after the ceremony at Temple Emanuel in Lynbrook and change into shorts before going to the camp.
Her father is the rabbi of Temple Emanuel in Kingston.
He has worked as Temple Emanuel's custodian since 1991, and loves the building as if it were his home.
In 2011 when they celebrated their 150th anniversary, Temple Emanuel counted 150 families in its congregation.
Her mother is the director of the Early Childhood Program at Temple Emanuel.
Leaders of Temple Emanuel had been discussing the merger in confidence for two months.