The Templeton Foundation included the university in its list of colleges that "encourage character development."
The Templeton Foundation is not alone in supporting prayer experiments.
The Templeton Foundation has recognized Westmont as one of the nation's top 100 colleges committed to character development.
What's the overarching goal of the Templeton Foundation?
It is usually referred to simply as the Templeton Foundation.
The Templeton Foundation has also gone to great lengths to stress that it is non-political with no bias towards any one faith.
Broadly, controversial aspects of the Templeton Foundation fall into three categories.
Like all 501(c)(3) organizations, the Templeton Foundation is prohibited from engaging directly in political activity.
Different scientists report widely differing experiences so it is impossible to evaluate what consistent policy if any the Templeton Foundation has.
Bains feels the Templeton Foundation "blur the line between science and religion".