This was similar to the antics created by comedian Andy Kaufman during his foray into professional wrestling in the 1980s against the Tennessee fans.
But this time, in the 87th meeting between the teams, some Tennessee fans will be wearing an unusual T-shirt.
Tennessee fans may be scarce as ticket sales have been slow.
But instead of Taurasi's ruining the evening for the Tennessee fans, the other Connecticut players did most of the damage.
The game was played in North Carolina, but Tennessee fans outnumbered Duke fans.
The pre-game forecast called for rain and Tennessee fans yelled, "Hallelujah!"
And those standing included the Tennessee fans in Greensboro Coliseum.
"The only people who bother me are Tennessee fans," she said.
For Tennessee fans, these bad feelings are sharpened by Florida's recent dominance over the Volunteers.
He congratulated Woodson and apologized to Tennessee fans.