The Tenth Air Force processed and trained crews for combat and transport activities.
Tenth Air Force, 1 July 1968 - 31 December 1969.
Tenth Air Force, 15 September 1969 - 19 November 1969.
Tenth Air Force, 1 April 1966 - 18 September 1968.
On 1 August, the 19th was placed under operational control of Tenth Air Force.
Activated in December 1943 by special authority of Tenth Air Force.
Guskhara was a photo-recon base for the Tenth Air Force.
It was assigned to Tenth Air Force.
As a result of these consolidations, Tenth Air Force was again inactivated on 31 December 1969.
It was redesignated Tenth Air Force on 1 December 1985.