Which, according to Terra Networks is a departure from the themes of heartbreak which have characterized her past hits.
On the Nasdaq, Terra Networks sank $1.84, or 16.3 percent, to $9.47.
Terra Networks, part of the Spanish Telefonica congolomerate, has declined about 40 percent since late last year, closing Friday at $22.06.
Overseas, the company continued to be known as Terra Networks.
It earned a negative review from an editor of Terra Networks who felt that the album did not add anything to the originals.
An editor of Terra Networks gave the album a negative review.
Terra Networks, by contrast, is offering an enormous premium.
But the combination of Terra Networks and Lycos has some problems, analysts said.
Terra Networks has called him one of the most important people in the history of Brazilian media.
The former reached the top ten of Terra Networks' music video countdown.