What on earth had possessed him to talk about that phase of Terran history in the first place?
"This is the first time in all Terran history that a King has been forced to do this."
I've read a lot of Terran history and philosophy because Regis felt it was important.
I pass through Terran history this way.
This guy looks like he walked right out of Terran history, about a thousand years back.
I've been reading a little bit about Terran history lately, and you've gone through all of these same stages.
I have to tell you, Commander, I've been reading up on Terran history.
Not only had records of their Terran history probably been lost, but their origin had obviously become buried in myth.
If I may so, I know more Terran history than she does.
I did remember my Terran history, and these were very paranoid times.