Xiphodon is an extinct genus of artiodactyl mammals found in the European Tertiary formations.
These have developed on a great thickness of nearly horizontal Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Tertiary formations, and by a dry climate.
The Brassington Formation: a newly recognised Tertiary formation.
Teeth and jaws probably referable to the Condylarthra have been obtained in European early Tertiary formations.
Species somewhat resembling that shown are numerous in the Tertiary marine formations, and similar species live today in sandy sea bottoms.
The islands are composed of Tertiary igneous formations of granites and gabbro, heavily weathered by the elements.
In the hills near the capital the soil is of Tertiary formation, and in the plains it is an alluvial deposit.
In the Tertiary marine formation a considerable number of cetaceans has been discovered.
Notice of some new fossil reptiles from the Cretaceous and Tertiary formations.
Finch, J., Geological essay on the Tertiary formation in America: American Journal of Science, v. 7, p. 31-43, 1823.