He has been busily flying around the country trying to whip up morale among Texaco employees.
It dwarfs the next largest settlement, $176 million awarded in 1996 to 1,400 Texaco employees in a race discrimination suit.
But a former Texaco employee, Veronica Shinault, said that she maintained the data base in a company computer.
A jury awarded a Texaco employee $6 million in damages.
His department is in charge of training programs for about 27,000 Texaco managerial, nonunion and nontechnical employees.
Texaco employees serve as student mentors, Ms. Weinberg said.
A casual trip to the grocery store proved troublesome when he bumped into a Texaco employee.
In 2008, a court-appointed expert issued a report accusing Texaco employees of not only widespread pollution, but deforestation and cultural destruction as well.
Much of the meeting's emotion came from the audience, which contained many current and retired Texaco employees.
The documents filed in the discrimination suit, which was brought by Texaco employees, reflect an equal-opportunity program without teeth.