The Yankees had the chance to barrel into first place alone for three straight nights in the Texas heat and failed each time.
The streak had died in the Texas heat as the Yankees won for the first time here since May 4, 1989.
That summer the Texas heat created drought conditions, and what was left of the crops became a feast for an invasion of grasshoppers.
Three straight nights the Yankees wilted in the Texas heat.
Did it involve two other people you'd just had an intense experience with, a bottle of gin, and a day in the Texas heat?
A popular reason cited for their failure is the Texas heat, which supposedly wilts the players in July and August.
He said an inconsistent slider bothered him more than the Texas heat.
Taking a break from the Texas heat, he turns to Mr. Harold for what appears to be an innocent critique of his work.
There was no roof, and thus virtually no protection from the oppressive Texas heat.
However, the most dire predictions of disaster in the Texas heat also failed to materialize.