Ron Hynes - Man of a Thousand Songs (2010) (Documentary)
A Thousand Songs is the debut solo album by Jim Guthrie, released in 2000 on Three Gut Records.
The label's name came from their first release, Guthrie's A Thousand Songs, which included a song called "The Fantabulous World of Jimmy 3-Guts", a title derived from reversing the syllables in Guthrie's surname.
BARBARA CARROLL (Sunday) Even when swinging out, this Lady of a Thousand Songs remains an impressionist with special affinities for Thelonious Monk and bossa nova.
The Lady of a Thousand Songs is back in the Oak Room for Sunday brunch performances.
A documentary on Hynes, entitled Man of a Thousand Songs and directed by William MacGillivray, debuted at the 2010 Toronto International Film Festival.
A Thousand Songs (1999)
Released in 1977, it was the second single from his album A Thousand Songs of Glory.
The Man of a Thousand Songs himself, Ron Hynes, performs House , a selection from his most recent CD, Stealing...
After some demoes, touring in Germany and a release of the single Ten Thousand Songs, Learning From Las Vegas released their debut album Memory Babe on Crunchy Frog in 1996.