Last year came the crackdown on student demonstrators in Tienanmen Square and "we were jilted again."
The students of Beijing showed in Tienanmen Square what kind of men and women they were.
As this is written, hope still exists for compromise between the split rulers and united demonstrators in Tienanmen Square.
Few specialists foresaw Tienanmen Square.
Out the window was Tienanmen Square.
Another: "When I hear the name Krenz, I think of Tienanmen Square."
Last month he criticized President Bush for sending his Brent Scowcroft, the national security adviser, to China after the uprising at Tienanmen Square.
Mr President, it is about twelve years ago that on Tienanmen Square, the student protest and the call for democracy was quashed in a bloody fashion.
The Mongolians are in a particularly difficult position, because large numbers of them have been involved in various demonstrations - particularly the demonstration in Tienanmen Square.
The probably best-known and largest such square in China is Tienanmen Square.