In 1994, the agency became Tierney Partners, and in 2000, Tierney Communications.
The bride, 27, is a senior account executive with Tierney Communications, an advertising agency in Philadelphia.
Deloitte had most recently worked on projects with Tierney Communications in Philadelphia, part of the Partnership division of the Interpublic Group of Companies.
Mary Stengel Austen, president at Tierney Communications, Philadelphia, was named to the additional post of chief executive, succeeding Scott Franks, who becomes chairman.
Tierney Communications is part of Interpublic.
He continued with Tierney Communications as chairman until December 1, 2003, when Tierney resigned and announced he was founding a new public relations firm, T2 Group.
Tierney Communications in Philadelphia, part of True North, will continue as the talent management agency for the Verizon relationship with the actor James Earl Jones.
"It would be lovely to see them use more humor," said Ms. Simmons of Tierney Communications.
Scott Franks, chief executive at the agency's parent, Tierney Communications, confirmed a report of the departure on
Tierney Communications is part of the Partnership division of the Interpublic Group of Companies.