"Early 19th-century American silver, objects dating from about 1815 to 1850, are still cheap, about one-fourth the price of new Tiffany silver."
Among silver cognoscenti, Jean's is perhaps best known as a source of used and discontinued Tiffany silver.
Divine, isn't it - especially the Tiffany silver from the end of the 19th century?
On the sideboards, the displays include red bordered Limoges service, Tiffany silver and English pewter pieces.
The vat was auctioned at Christie's in 1984 for $38,500, then the auction record for Tiffany silver.
The silver epergne on the piano is part of the 1912 set of Tiffany silver.
Tiffany silver, cherished by some collectors and museums throughout its history, was scorned and overlooked by most silver enthusiasts until recently.
"No other silversmith in Tiffany's history has had his work held in such high regard as to be allowed to place his signature on Tiffany silver."
Tiffany silver is all very American.
With the book, I hope many more pieces of fine Tiffany silver will come to light and end up in museum collections.