Tiger tossed his head a lot, but otherwise gave Heris no trouble.
The Tigers gave forfait after the halftime resulting in a 50-0 defeat.
He was entering the last year of his contract with a $350,000 salary, and the Tigers gave him a one-year extension.
This time the Tigers did not give much fight and were defeated in 5 games.
The Tigers gave Sheffield an additional two years at $14 million a year.
At the end of his rookie season, the Tigers gave him a $25,000 bonus and signed him to a three-year contract worth $255,000.
How did you know the Tiger didn't give me that much?
The Tigers gave him the two-year extension he wanted, and he will be their designated hitter next season.
There was actually more pressure in Detroit, Weaver said, because the Tigers gave him little run support and the games were always close.
Tiger gave decisive orders to the driver of the hired car and they arrived at a tall, barn-like building in a back street.