Ole Tin Lizzie just rolled back down on top of him whomp.
This extravagance was ignited by the introduction of Henry Ford's automobile, Model T, otherwise known as, "Tin Lizzie."
From that point on, "Tin Lizzie" became the name for all Model T cars, as its win was reported in newspapers throughout the country.
"See if you can get that Tin Lizzie moving."
My Tin Lizzie is around in back.
For some of their early gigs, the band were mistakenly promoted as "Tin Lizzy" or "Tin Lizzie".
The Model T was nicknamed the "Tin Lizzie" and "Flivver" by the people who drove it.
Tin Lizzie (1975)
She's going to sleep in her old "Tin Lizzie".
Bell named the group Thin Lizzy, after Tin Lizzie, a robot character in The Dandy comic.