The reel was filmed chronologically and 70% of the story was set in a cramped Tokyo apartment (with every room built specifically for the film).
When she, her husband and son lived in a Tokyo apartment, the family paid 16,000 yen ($135) a month for electricity.
Last April, a 77-year-old woman and her disabled son starved to death in their Tokyo apartment.
He was found dead in his Tokyo apartment, aged 32.
Now her husband commutes to her Tokyo apartment from his organic egg farm.
It's also unusual because it took place in a cramped Tokyo apartment.
In most Tokyo apartments, a litter box would be an odoriferous intrusion.
On 4 October 2009, he was found dead in his Tokyo apartment.
It was later revealed that he had been using funds earmarked for political use to pay the rent on his Tokyo apartment.
He died from a throat obstruction in his Tokyo apartment in 1988.