Following its success, she was named the Academy of Country Music's Top New Female Vocalist.
He also was named as the CMA's Top Male Vocalist in 1997 and 1998.
The association also named her Top Female Vocalist in 1994.
The following year, Adams was nominated for Top Female Vocalist.
Her vocal talent blossomed and she won numerous school awards, notably Top Female Vocalist of 2006 as a high school senior.
Cash Box also named her the Top Female Vocalist in 1969, 1970 and 1971.
Playboy's influential Music Poll of 1970 named her the Top Female Vocalist.
She was also nominated by the Academy of Country Music for "Top New Female Vocalist".
Reno won the Top Female Vocalist at the Gold Leaf Awards of 1970.
She was nominated for "Top New Female Vocalist", but the award went to Taylor Swift.