As in the case of the lex talionis, humanization of the law replaces the peshat of the written Torah law.
He prohibited the Torah law, the Hebrew calendar and executed Judaic scholars.
Additionally, Barzilai was suspected as a common liar and entirely not versed in Torah law.
Their main interests lay with Torah law and its practical application in daily life.
As well, Torah law forbids forbids embalming.
Rabbi Gordon was a brilliant Talmudist and expert in Torah law.
For example, a severely retarded person who cannot possibly comprehend Torah law is not liable to keep the mitzvot.
Invoking Torah law, Sa'd decreed that all adult male members of the tribe should be executed and all women and children enslaved.
The implication here is that Jews should live by Torah law rather than die because of it.
Schneerson looked to Torah law for the appropriate view of the Israeli-Arab conflict.