There, tiers of cassette decks tied to the Toshiba laptops ringed a room about 25 by 35 feet.
First - does it have the heat issues that Toshiba laptops have historically had?
I recently bought a new Toshiba laptop.
Her Toshiba laptop was open beside her on the bed, and I wondered if she'd managed to write a single word.
He recalls proudly demonstrating his $3,700, 12-pound Toshiba laptop to colleagues when he first purchased it three years ago.
As Yousef scanned the atlas on his Toshiba laptop, he didn't have to look far.
He zipped them into the side pocket of the carrying case for his gray Toshiba laptop.
One is for the Toshiba laptop, which perversely sports a nine-pin connector.
Ramzi Yousef kept track of all his plots on a Toshiba laptop.
In those last moments, one of the few objects Hall chose to grab was his Toshiba laptop.