The Tower nomination and the veto override on the Chinese students are two.
Some leading conservatives today said the Tower nomination had created a division in the right wing of the Republican Party.
At least three other senators who had been counted as leaning against the Tower nomination told reporters they had made up their minds to vote no.
This was designed to make it appear, the Republican asserted, that the Tower nomination was not a party issue.
The Tower nomination was not the only source of embarrassment for Mr. Bush.
On the Tower nomination, the Administration could turn up the heat in the hope of securing confirmation.
Republican insiders believe that the Administration lost valuable time in defending the doomed Tower nomination.
Mr. Lugar said he was disturbed by the idea that the Tower nomination should be any kind of precedent.
Mr. Wallop, a vocal supporter of the Tower nomination, said he saw nothing in the report to change his mind.
"No regrets," he said of his campaign to defeat the Tower nomination.