Since then, he has published numerous nonfiction, Shouts and Murmurs, Talk of the Town pieces, and short stories in the magazine.
There is a formula for New Yorker "Talk of the Town" pieces.
A new letters-to-the-editor page and the addition of authors' bylines to their "Talk of the Town" pieces had the effect of making the magazine more personal.
The Talk of the Town piece, in 1997, represented another small attempt.
(I wrote a Talk of the Town piece about Jagr in 2008.)
One of my favorite anecdotes about our society's infatuation with fame and the famous appears in a Talk of the Town piece from August 6, 1927.
She began contributing articles and Talk of the Town pieces in 1987.
This week, The New Yorker has released a special issue comprising fifty Talk of the Town pieces from the past decade.
Talese's Talk of the Town piece in this week's magazine is about a building near his townhouse that has been home to one failed restaurant after another.
Manufactured quotes were prohibited except in the 750-word New Yorker "Talk of the Town" piece on a celebrity fund-raising event.