His work there drew attention from "The Talk of the Town" section of The New Yorker.
Listings, from the Goings On About Town section of the magazine, are easier to find and browse.
She was the first woman to write for the Talk of the Town section, part of "this great experiment" forced on a magazine whose men went off to war.
By 1929, he secured a position at The New Yorker magazine as a reporter for the "Talk of the Town" section.
(The house style for the Talk of the Town section at that time was first person plural, with authorship unattributed.)
She said it has taken a long time to get The Talk of The Town section to hit its stride, but thinks it has now.
Here's a short film Powell made while photographing for this week's Goings On About Town section.
The model, of course, is the Comment that opens the Talk of the Town section each week in the magazine.
Once there, he began doing reporting assignments for the magazine's Talk of the Town section.
Town sections are free-roaming areas where the player can purchase items, upgrade equipment, and accept side-quests, as well as talk with townsfolk.