A year later, in a Talk of the Town story that celebrated the completed work, Paul Goldberger described the drawing as being "at once monumental and gentle.
Due to volume, we cannot consider unsolicited Talk of the Town stories or other nonfiction.
He has contributed hundreds of Talk of the Town stories and scores of Profiles and reporting pieces.
Read Nick Paumgarten's Talk of the Town story on preparing for terror attacks.
Anthony Hiss wrote about the reopening in a Talk of the Town story in the September 13, 1976, issue:
Ross is the editor of "The Fun of It," (2001), a collection of the magazine's Talk of the Town stories from 1925-2000.
In a Talk of the Town story, "Hot Flashes," she gave readers tips on how to deal.
(He was the subject of a Talk of the Town story in 2006.)
Read Paumgarten's Talk of the Town story: Fallout.
Lillian Ross published her first Talk of the Town story for The New Yorker in the issue of July 21, 1945.