The company name changed in 1924 to the Llanelly Electric Lighting and Traction Company.
Soon after the line passed to the British Electric Traction Company (BET).
In 1892, The Times reported that the Multiple Speed and Traction Company had taken offices in the Morse Building to market its "endless traveling sidewalk."
Later on, this very Company was converted as Delhi Electricity Supply and Traction Company.
The Richmond Power Station was completed in 1891 by the New Australian Lighting and Traction Company.
In 1899 these two companies were taken over and were combined to form the Electric Lighting and Traction Company of Australia.
Two of these companies merged to form the Electric Lighting and Traction Company of Australia, who built the Geelong A power station.
It was erected by the Electric Lighting and Traction Company of Australia, who laid the foundation stone in March 1900.
The purchasing-agent, the first vice-president, and even the president of the Traction Company protested against the Babbitt price.
But still, of course it won't do to just keep knocking the Traction Company and not realize the difficulties they're operating under, like these cranks that want municipal ownership.