The executive director of the governor's panel, Tracy Miller, said the Cruzan decision and the panel's reports did "not offer any new laws or guidelines for newborns, only for competent adults."
"It was hostile in there," said a juror, Tracy Miller, a 27-year-old clerk.
Local's 13 tables are packed nightly with a diverse group of sophisticated regulars - designers and artists, business people and fashion types - sampling the innovative American menu of Tracy Miller, the chef and an owner.
The song has also been covered by Tracy Miller, a Broadway theatrical actress-singer, who performed the song at a "Frank Wildhorn & Friends" concert.
Outside a resort's boundaries, skiers and riders have to depend on their own knowledge and snow safety skills, said Tracy Miller, a Kirkwood spokeswoman.
"We see it as providing valuable insight and guidance for health care providers," said Tracy Miller, the vice president for quality and regulatory affairs at the Greater New York Hospital Association.
"It is extraordinarily dangerous to legalize assisted suicide as we rush headlong to a system of managed care," said Tracy Miller, a lawyer who formerly headed the New York State Task Force on Life and Law.
"There has been domestic violence going on in South-Central Los Angeles for years," said Tracy Miller, a 25-year-old receptionist who participated in the counter-demonstration.
On occasion, Tracy Miller and Joan Baxter boosted the Ladybird ranks.
According to Tracy Miller, executive director of the Governor's Task Force on Life and the Law, a similar bill, to be reintroduced later this year, also will include provisions for dictating which medical treatments a patient may not wish.