Rail transport between Helmstedt and Eilsleben was reopened under the Transit Agreement of 1972.
The Four Power Agreement on Berlin (September 1971) and the Transit Agreement (May 1972) helped to significantly ease tensions over the status of West Berlin.
There have been a number of Transit Agreements for people between states:
Transit Agreement (1972) Between West and East Germany and Berlin.
The traffic was subject to the Interzonal traffic regulations, that between West Germany and West Berlin followed the special regulations of the Transit Agreement (1972).
That is why the Transit Agreement has an expiry date of 2003, which is fast approaching.
First, the Transit Agreement was part of a Union promise to Austria.
In other words, the Transit Agreement is primary law.
The objective, as formulated in the Transit Agreement, of a long-term and sustainable reduction in pollutants has not, as yet, been achieved.
Transit Agreement (1972)