The ambassador began diplomatically, "We have recently discovered that your transportation ministry has been overzealous."
The Haredi public has requested to operate private bus lines but they were blocked by the transportation ministry.
But late Tuesday night, political leaders were still negotiating over several seats, including the trade and transportation ministries, and the critical post of oil minister.
There is no word from the Transportation Ministry on whether or not there was an unidentified aircraft over the capital.
The Transportation Ministry reported that road deaths dropped 21 percent last year with increased speed checks and alcohol tests.
The Prime Minister got his way, and in the new government Yosef was moved to the transportation ministry.
The Transportation Ministry's solution was to whip up the guide, especially meant for younger Japanese who travel by themselves rather than in groups.
He said that Government pollution experts had recommended against it but that the transportation ministry had proceeded anyway.
In the mid-1980's, Mexico's Transportation Ministry decided, without consulting island residents, that it was time for a second cruise pier.
The Construction and Transportation Ministry said it would name two more banks in October to deal with such loans.