Could it be that the Travelers encountered the other galaxies at different times?
Upon rare occasions, he had heard, a traveler might encounter the form of a dead person, usually a loved one, seen at a far distance.
Away from big cities, the travelers encounter a "fresh sort of kindness" and make friends who share their dream.
Whatever motivated the trip, travelers always encountered a gracious welcome.
Taxes were not on the minds of the young budget travelers encountered at the Wolcott, however.
As a result, travelers encounter difficulties when they attempt to depart with large amounts of cash.
Travelers encounter no snags in the terminal, but all too many on the tarmac.
Now and then, a traveler would encounter him, and sometimes when it was needed, he would give them aid.
Travelers to Rocky Point in wet weather encountered this mud.
At major train stations, airports, and hotels, travelers with disabilities should encounter few accessibility problems.