Those meetings prompted Mr. Fiske to subpoena six White House and four Treasury aides to testify before a Federal grand jury here.
The Business Secretary has previously spoken out over bankers' pay and immigration to the annoyance of Downing Street and Treasury aides.
They were both Treasury aides to Brown, with Balls the senior of the two.
Just before McCain entered the White House, he stared blankly at a young Treasury aide and inquired, "What do I need to know about this meeting?"
Treasury Secretary Nicholas F. Brady said a senior Treasury aide was already in Europe trying to organize this concerted economic campaign.
Treasury aides were still making marks on the draft of Mr. Brady's speech two hours before he delivered it.
Last week we got our first smoking gun (the meetings of White House and Treasury aides) and Saturday night mini-massacre (of Bernard Nussbaum).
One of the Treasury aides, who had been silent up until then, shot Jani a guilty glance, then turned his back.
Chase had been amazed by the extent of the presents, not to mention the value-over one hundred thousand dollars' worth had been the estimate of a Treasury aide.
"We really don't want to get expectations up," said a Treasury aide.