Theodore was forced to resign over accusations of corruption in June 1930, and Scullin took over the Treasury portfolio in addition to the Prime Ministership.
When the Treasury portfolio was split into Treasury and Finance in December 1976, Lynch held both portfolios.
Total Return, which Mr. Gross calls a plain-vanilla bond fund, uses no leverage, though some 20 percent of its Treasury portfolio is in higher-returning futures.
Forgan Smith himself took on the Treasury portfolio in addition to the premiership.
He supported Torrens Title and held the Treasury portfolio from 1 September to 30 September 1857, and was complimented for his Budget speech.
By comparison, five different people held the Treasury portfolio at various times during 1991.
Hawke, however, kept Keating in the Treasury portfolio and Willis became Minister for Employment and Industrial Relations.
Polye retained the Treasury portfolio, and gained that of Border Development.
Iemma took the Treasury portfolio for himself.
Scullin took over the Treasury portfolio in the interim while Theodore went to Queensland to face charges, and was compelled to bring down the 1930 budget personally.