The Treasury proposal, details of which were disclosed on Saturday, will be formally announced on Tuesday.
The Treasury proposal is designed to eliminate these outdated and costly restrictions on affiliations - not to expand bank powers.
Providing Ofheo with the powers outlined for a new regulator would most likely accomplish the same objectives as the Treasury proposal without the costly reorganization.
Insurance agents, who have long fought to prevent banks from entering their business, are sure to fight the Treasury proposal.
The Treasury proposal to allow industrial companies to own banks drew criticism even before the Treasury study was issued.
Wisely, the President rejected other plans to raise money to pay the interest, particularly a Treasury proposal to tax all bank and savings accounts.
(Background on development of the Treasury proposal to Congress)
The Treasury proposal would allow the financial services conglomerate to further broaden its base by buying a full-service bank.
The Treasury proposal was already watered down from an original plan supported by some senior Administration officials to limit coverage to $100,000 systemwide.
Are the Treasury proposals here to stay?