Several other actors from the original Trek series have also now signed on to appear in future episodes.
He has guest starred on various different Star Trek series and CSIs.
Eventually, Pocket Books would publish novels based upon every Trek series.
As of 2007, Star Trek: Enterprise remains the only Trek series that has yet to be adapted in comic book form.
It was the first television episode to win the award since the original "Star Trek" series 25 years ago.
Although two networks wanted Paramount's new "Star Trek" series, it is being syndicated and has been sold to stations covering over 98 percent of the country.
Advanced alien devices on the original Trek series often had no discernible mechanism.
It has had the highest profile of the newer "Star Trek" series shown in reruns.
Once more, this adventure includes the use of costumed actors and video & audio participation of several Trek series cast members.
Too short, too brief, like the original Trek series, but a bit of genius that I wish more people could love and enjoy.