After highschool she attended Triton College in River Grove, Illinois later dropping out.
However he was given a chance to attend Bradley University and after one year transferred to Triton College.
Puckett wasn't drafted out of high school but established himself at Triton College in Illinois, and was eventually drafted by the Twins.
In addition, students have the opportunity to take certain business courses on-line through Triton College.
In 1993, he moved to Triton College.
Following the school year, he played in the suburban summer basketball league at Triton College in River Grove, Illinois.
Finally graduating from Triton College.
Certain advanced, industrial, and consumer education courses are eligible for either dual or articulated credit through Triton College.
Ed also attended Triton College where he became a certified paramedic.
Over 17,000 students enroll at Triton College each semester.