The sequel was called Tron Legacy and was released in 2010.
Not surprisingly, in some circles the hype for the soundtrack to Tron Legacy has far outstripped that of the actual movie.
Tron Legacy was released in theaters on December 17, 2010, in the United States and United Kingdom.
When is Tron Legacy coming out ?
In the sci-fi 2010 film Tron Legacy, the End of Line Club borrowed the phrase for the tile of their club from this command.
Others turned up for reasons no one could really fathom: Tron Legacy arrived last year as a weirdly grandiose afterglow to a sweet little lo-fi 1980s offering.
Tron Legacy (trailer)
Light cycles make a return in Tron Legacy, with new designs by Daniel Simon.
The aesthetic appears to be loosely inspired by Tron Legacy.
My brother and I are going to see Tron Legacy solely due to the Daft Punk soundtrack.