He sought to pacify the enmities surviving from the Trujillo regime and from the 1965 civil war, but political murders continued to be frequent during his administration.
SIM was dissolved in 1962, after the fall of the Trujillo regime.
During the Trujillo regime, electrical service was introduced to many cities; still, almost 95% of usage was not billed at all.
Besides providing entertainment and information, this media outlet was also used by the government to communicate favorable propaganda for the Trujillo regime.
Urania escaped the crumbling Trujillo regime in 1961 by claiming she planned to study under the tutelage of nuns in Michigan.
Imbert is a politician who becomes disillusioned with the deception and cruelty of the Trujillo regime.
The sisters make a political commitment to overthrow the Trujillo regime.
In the 1950s the Trujillo regime commissioned a study on the hydroelectric potential of damming the Dominican Republic's waterways.
The Trujillo regime responded with greater repression.
A military uprising in November and the threat of American intervention set the final stage and ended the Trujillo regime.