Neild would later die while designing the Truman Library.
"There's more coming in from the Truman Library in Missouri."
The Truman Library, for one, has developed an innovative program for middle and high school students called the White House Decision Center.
One of the biggest crowds he encountered was when he went to the Truman Library in Independence, Missouri.
Porter's personal papers are in the Truman Library.
She and the boss were busy sorting 50 years' worth of files and packing them up for the Truman Library.
After he retired in 1953, until the Truman Library was opened on July 6, 1957, the Wallace House was also his office.
Other exhibits include a 463 piece coin collection on loan from the Truman Library which has coins from every Presidential administration.
On a very hot and sultry Saturday afternoon in late June we were in Independence, on our way to the Truman Library.
The biggest crowd by far was at the Truman Library in Independence in June.