One feature at Trump Palace does display vision, but in a very restricted sense.
The truth is that Trump Palace is less an homage to the 20's and 30's than it is a hangover from the 80's.
That allows for finished ceilings 10 feet or higher, about a foot or two more than typical in a modern apartment building, including Trump Palace.
The balconies on the top floor of the 55-story Trump Palace at 200 East 69th Street, built in 1982, seem to be about as high as they go.
She found only one place that met all her criteria, in Trump Palace at 200 East 69th Street, but was outbid.
Louise Fitting, another agent, said Chase Manhattan Bank had refused to give a mortgage for a $575,000 apartment in Trump Palace.
Mr. Trump has not filed such a disclosure on Trump Palace.
The Trump Palace modestly counts one floor per floor, for a total of 55 floors.
He said the recently built Trump Palace, at Third Avenue and 69th Street, "will be sold out in the next four weeks."
In 1983, new zoning laws required buildings over 100 feet tall to be at least 45 feet wide, leaving room for buildings like the Trump Palace.