The trusts control the land and establish the systems of tenure.
Some say the trust has not established a strong connection with the community or the National Park Service.
However, as part of the move away from being an arms length body of the Government the Trust has established an entirely new board.
The trust would establish a tax-free sovereign Indian territory where one did not previously exist.
A sophisticated package of services will be useless unless an underlying empathy has been demonstrated, and trust established by the social worker.
Trust established, Tiddle seemed intent on unburdening himself entirely.
Since then, the Trust has established two more international schools, in Pune and Hyderabad.
The trust would establish a tax-free sovereign Indian territory outside tribal lands expressly for a casino.
Once this is stabilised, the trust will establish a free boarding school for meritorious students from economically and socially backward classes.
By 1967, the Trust had established two nature reserves, one of them at Ticknall Limeyards itself.