Through the Tucker Act (March 3, 1887, ch.
The Tucker Act granted jurisdiction to the Court of Claims over government contract money claims both for breach, and for relief under the contracts in the form of equitable adjustment.
Not all government contracts are subject to the Tucker Act.
The Tucker Act also opened the Court to tax refund suits.
Patent claims and claims against the U.S. government under the Tucker Act are appealed to the Federal Circuit.
Souter noted that any suit against the United States required a clear waiver of sovereign immunity and held that a waiver was granted by the Indian Tucker Act.
By way of the Tucker Act, certain claims of monetary damages against the United States are exempt from sovereign immunity.
This became known as the Tucker Act.
Otherwise, the Court believed, the Little Tucker Act would broadly impose a waiver of sovereign immunity under detailed statutes that did not provide for it.
Appeals are taken to the Second Circuit (except for patent claims and claims against the U.S. government under the Tucker Act, which are appealed to the Federal Circuit).
Through the Tucker Act (March 3, 1887, ch.
The Tucker Act granted jurisdiction to the Court of Claims over government contract money claims both for breach, and for relief under the contracts in the form of equitable adjustment.
Not all government contracts are subject to the Tucker Act.
The Tucker Act also opened the Court to tax refund suits.
Patent claims and claims against the U.S. government under the Tucker Act are appealed to the Federal Circuit.
Souter noted that any suit against the United States required a clear waiver of sovereign immunity and held that a waiver was granted by the Indian Tucker Act.
By way of the Tucker Act, certain claims of monetary damages against the United States are exempt from sovereign immunity.
This became known as the Tucker Act.
Otherwise, the Court believed, the Little Tucker Act would broadly impose a waiver of sovereign immunity under detailed statutes that did not provide for it.
Appeals are taken to the Second Circuit (except for patent claims and claims against the U.S. government under the Tucker Act, which are appealed to the Federal Circuit).