Tudor historians were generally favourably inclined towards the king, focusing on John's opposition to the Papacy and his promotion of the special rights and prerogatives of a king.
Tudor historians would rediscover the Barnwell chronicler who was more favourable to King John than other contemporary texts.
Tudor historians were not inclined to regard rebellion as anything but a crime.
The prominent Tudor historian raised heckles by criticising female authors who concentrate on subjects such as the six wives of Henry VIII.
The Tudor historian David Starkey classes this change as a classic Victorianism:
She lives in London with her husband, the Tudor historian, John Guy.
Tudor historians asserted that Owen and Catherine had been married, for their lawful marriage was a vital link in the argument for the legitimacy of the Tudor dynasty.
April 18 - Polydore Vergil, Tudor historian (born c.1470)
Her black hat was displayed at the National Maritime Museum in an exhibition in 2003 which was curated by noted Tudor historian, David Starkey.
Propaganda and the Tudor state or propaganda of the Tudor historians?