As the first Tudor king, Henry VII succeeded in ending the Wars of the Roses.
Under the early Tudor kings magnificent royal palaces were constructed in northern Surrey, in convenient proximity to London.
Keith Michell's performance as Henry remains the definitive television portrayal of the Tudor king.
The title was definitively returned to crown during the reign of the Tudor kings.
Yet however much they preferred the House of York, why would the great men of the English community of Ireland choose to defy the Tudor king?
The Emperor would never allow his aunt to be cast aside by the upstart Tudor king of little England.
For all his arrogant bluster, the Tudor king could lose his throne if this came to pass.
But now, in the summer of 1534, the Tudor king went further.
Others came at the time of the Tudor kings and queens in the 16th century.
The reign of the second Tudor king, Henry VIII, was one of great political change.