"Hundreds of Tunisian families have opened their doors and put up signs in the road welcoming their Libyan brothers."
October 29: Two hundred Tunisian families crossed the border between Algeria and Tunisia in late October.
Belkhodja was born in 1930 into a Tunisian family of Turkish origin who gave Tunisia a line of renowned theologians.
The book retraces the live of a Tunisian Jewish family in Tunis from 1856 to the Tunisian independence.
Ankri was born in 1963 in Lod, the third of five siblings, to a Tunisian Jewish family.
A member of an aristocratic Tunisian family, he served as the last Grand Vizier of the Beylik of Tunis from 1915 until 1922.
Ten years in Guantánamo: Tunisian families hope for loved ones' release - video (7min 15sec)
PAPFAM inquiry/survey- in depth analysis of the results on the transformations within Tunisian families at the social and health levels, 2004 -2205.
Other prominent Tunisian families of Turkish origin include the Bayram's, Belkhodja's, El Materi's, Sfar's, and the Slim's.
This small place is popular with Tunisian families but the service is slow and it's worth it to pre-order especially for the metabgha (Berber pizza; around TD3, pre-order only).