I have been heartened by reports of Tunisian women driving the demand that the new government be democratic.
The primary target of these groups has been Tunisian women.
His letter in reply to questions about Tunisian women has also attracted notice.
Among Tunisian women, the increase in literacy was even greater.
Nevertheless, in rural places where life to some degree remains traditional, Tunisian women still have a long way to go to reach genuine equality.
Tunisian women hearing his call unveiled and often asked him to settle disputes with their husbands.
Concretely, Tunisian women are very involved in society, as they represent 58.1 per cent of students in higher education.
Havet is a Tunisian woman of some forty years.
According to him, the emancipation of Tunisian women came first through instruction and education of it.
In fact, 91% of Tunisian women, between the ages of 15 and 24, are literate.