You could use a Tupperware bowl, but the life of another living creature is going in here.
Jane wanted to leave it in the Tupperware bowl for the ceremony, but Brace objected.
We'd left him in the kitchen, standing over a Tupperware bowl I'd poured three bottles into.
Chuckling to himself, he set the Tupperware bowl down between his feet while Obeah produced a disposable lighter.
He was eating macaroni out of a Tupperware bowl, washing it down with a can of beer.
"And then along comes someone out in Utah who does it in a Tupperware bowl."
She sealed the Tupperware bowl with a lid.
He found them in a Tupperware bowl in the cupboard.
On a bed sheet spread before them were their vegetable wraps, wine and a Tupperware bowl of rice and vegetables.
Blackie the goldfish and "his little brothers" were in a Tupperware bowl.