Turkey and the EU agreed not to put a lot of tax on what they buy and sell to each other.
Senior American officials said recently that Turkey had agreed to a plan that would provide up to $15 billion in grants and loans.
Turkey agreed to increase the flow several times, beyond its means in order to supply Iraq with extra water.
Turkey had already agreed to block its pipeline, Iraq's only other major outlet for Iraqi oil.
Under that deal, now apparently moot, Turkey had agreed to purchase $23 billion of Iran's natural gas.
On September 25, 1994, Turkey and Iran agreed to stop opposition groups from operating in each other's territory.
Turkey agreed to begin monitoring the two border-crossing rivers and to share related data with Iraq.
Turkey agreed to eliminate discriminatory taxes on foreign films.
It is progress that Turkey and Armenia have agreed to improve mutual relations.
Turkey agreed Tuesday to send troops to Lebanon to help monitor the cease-fire.