The word "majdan" has Turkish roots like many other words that came from period of administration of the Ottoman Empire.
Akın, on the other hand, has never denied his Turkish roots and even accepted the Cannes award in the name of Turkish cinema.
Having convinced everyone that he is dead, he assumes the Fard identity, apparently out of a desire to reaffirm his Turkish roots.
The ethnic group of the village has preserved its Turkish roots through a long run of challenges.
In general, it was claimed that the outlaw motorcyclists were nationalistic and felt they were "real German men", therefore members with Turkish roots were not welcome.
Even in cafes, there are eclectic menus, some going back to Turkish roots, some with fusion style and some with Asian.
Enver Şimşek was a 38-year old business man with Turkish roots who operated several flower stalls in southern Germany.
Kokkedal has, like Nivå, a high number of second & third generation immigrants, most of them with Turkish or Arab roots.
And every so often there was a hint of Mr. Ozbek's Turkish roots.
The word boszorkány itself stems from the Turkish root bas-, meaning "to press."