But while Matthias, a fair and just king, busied himself with centralising power for the crown, he ignored the growing Turkish threat.
The Turkish threat was the reason for building these new fortifications.
Kurdish leaders seem preoccupied by Turkish threats to intervene militarily in northern Iraq.
There were numerous leagues - coalitions, we might call them today - gloriously proclaimed to fight the growing Turkish threat to Europe's east.
The victory of the Austrian army signaled the end of the Turkish threat to central Europe.
In 1529-1530 he was also charged with reinforcing certain city fortifications in response to the Turkish threat.
After more than 150 years of Turkish threat Zadar was not only scarce in population, but also in material wealth.
The Habsburgs took the Turkish threat more seriously than Matthias had done.
In the 17th century the castle was made into an almost impregnable fortress against the Turkish threat to Moravia.
Choma remained under constant Turkish threat throughout the 12th century.